Missions can be defined in various ways. At Zion Baptist Church it is seen in two distinct paths. The first, and most prevalent, is Community Missions. Zion is involved in a partnership with Claxton Elementary School to provide dinner and activities once a month to their students and faculty. This mission path not only extends to Claxton, Powell, and Knoxville; but to the whole of the United States.
The second path is International Missions. That could be anywhere from providing aide and support to missionaries in China, to putting a new roof on the pastor’s house of a small church in St Lucia. This path has allowed us to make many friends and comrades overseas, and has enabled us to go to these places and minister with them.
That leads to our main mission trips.
We at Zion have a few places where we have strong relationships and enjoy visiting often. These places include St Lucia and Haiti, in addition to those places we also have available the opportunity to travel to India and minister to the locals alongside the locals. This is the entire point of missions.
Missions should be designed, not to go somewhere and change everything for a week then leave. But rather to go somewhere and partner with a local ministry and encourage, train, instruct, and yes, even complete special projects. There is a time and a place to take over the show and do things our way, but that time is not overseas when we represent not only our church, but also our country and the ministry we are partnering with. Most importantly, we represent Christ.
Zion Baptist Church supports many overseas missions, for a full detail list please email our Mission Coordinator whose contact information is at the bottom. We are currently supporting missionaries and ministries in the following countries:
- China
- Haiti
- St Lucia
- India
We are blessed to be able to call these ministers and missionaries friends, brothers, and sisters in Christ. If you feel so led to give to a specific mission please contact our office at churchoffice@zbchurchpowell.com and someone will be more than happy to fulfill your request.